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How to Open a Molybdenum Mine in Greenland

Thursday October 3, 2024 16:45 - 16:55 CEST Conference hall

Speaker: Ruben Shiffman


Profile image for Ruben Shiffman

Ruben Shiffman Speaker

Greenland Resources

DR. Ruben Shiffman, Chairman och Founder of Greenland Resources Inc., a public company with a world class molybdenum (Mo) deposit in east central Greenland with a current NI 43-101 Feasibility Study. The project can supply 25% of EU Mo needs, EU is 2nd largest world Mo user and has no extraction, The project has also magnesium potential, up to 20% of EU needs. China produces 98% of world magnesium. Founder of Shiffoil Inc. a light oil producer in Manitoba Canada expanding to the green energy sector. He is Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of the mining company Calvista Gold (TSX:CVZ), successfully sold to AUX group (now Mubadala), a project with high social ingredient. In Toronto Canada, was Managing Director Emerging Markets trading, at Scotia Capital and VP trading at TD Securities. Was member of the CPSS at the Bank for International Settlements in Basle Switzerland. BBA + MBA UDLA, Ph.D in Finance UNAM (National Research Award "IMEF" 1997), Doctoral studies in finance at the University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management. He is Fluent in Danish.