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Nordic Cooperation - Key to Successful Triple Helix

Friday October 4, 2024 11:05 - 11:30 CEST Conference hall

Speakers: Pär Weihed, Saija Luukkanen, Ute Mann


Profile image for Pär Weihed

Pär Weihed Speaker

Luleå Technical University,
Pro Vice Chancellor

Pär Weihed is Professor in ore geology and Deputy Vice Chancellor, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. He is past president of the Geological Society of Sweden and past president of the Society of Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA), and the National committee for Geology under the auspices of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences. He is also an elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

Professor Weihed got his PhD from University of Gothenburg and has also acted as Head of Department of Engineering Sciences at Uppsala University. He has over the past 40 years been heavily involved in issues related to the sustainable supply of metals to the society. His own research interest has focused on metallogeny of the Fennoscandian Shield with an emphasis on the Arctic areas of Fennoscandia. He has written over 150 research papers on these issues. He has also over the years been involved in various position in both the national, Nordic and EU-system in issues related to natural resources and is on a regular basis part of evaluation committees related to raw materials governance in both EU and individual member states

Profile image for Saija Luukkanen

Saija Luukkanen Speaker

Oulu Mining School
Head of Oulu Mining School,

Saija Luukkanen, director of the Oulu Mining School, has been working as a professor of mineral processing at University of Oulu´s Oulu Mining School since 2015. She came to her current position  from the consulting company Pöyry, where she worked in its Mining and Metals BU as Business development director, both in Peru and Finland. During her career, she has also worked for Geological Survey of Finland (GTK Mintec) as team leader of Flotation and separation group and at Lafarge (France) as a project manager. Her background is in physical chemistry and she received her PhD in 2000. 

Profile image for Ute Mann

Ute Mann Speaker

NTNU Trondheim
Head of Department Geoscience and Petroleum

Dr. Ute Mann is an educated geologist. She received her MSc degree (diploma) in geology from the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany. She started her academic career at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, Germany where she accomplished her doctoral thesis. After another 2 years at the Alfred Wegener Institute with a PostDoc scholarship, she moved to Norway to work at the Continental Shelf Institute in Trondheim, IKU, which later became part of SINTEF Research organisation. During that time the focus of her work shifted from academic to much more applied research. After several positions as a researcher and eventually research director in SINTEF, she went in 2013 to the research department of the Norwegian Oil/Energy company Equinor. After more than 8 years in the industry working closely together with exploration teams from all over the world she went back to academia in 2021 and took over as the Head of Department at the Institute of Geoscience and Petroleum at NTNU.