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Seize Opportunities and Unleash the Nordic Potential - a Panel Discussion with our Nordic Geological Serveys

Thursday October 3, 2024 16:00 - 16:30 CEST Conference hall

Speakers: Kaj Lax, Hannu Lahtinen,, Henrik Schiellerup, Mikael Pedersen


Profile image for Kaj Lax

Kaj Lax Speaker

Geological Survey of Sweden, SGU
Head of the Mineral Resources Department

Kaj Lax (PhD) is Head of the Mineral Resources Department (acting) at the Geological Survey of Sweden, SGU, Uppsala. He has a background in geochemistry, and as Head of the Mineral Information Office in Malå and was Head of Department at SGU 2010-2024. During that time, he has been a member of the Organizing Committee and Steering Committee of the biannual Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining conference.

Profile image for Hannu Lahtinen,

Hannu Lahtinen, Speaker

Geological Survey of Finland, GTK
Director Availability of Raw Materials

Hannu Lahtinen is the Director of Availability of Raw Materials at the Geological Survey of Finland. Over the last 20 years, Mr. Lahtinen has worked in the mining industry and in the field of geological research. Lahtinen has broad expertise from exploration, mineral resource estimation, and engineering geology in various development and managerial positions. Previously Lahtinen worked at a major mining company in Finland as Chief Geologist. Currently he manages GTK’s operations in the Mineral Economy, Geophysics and Circular Economy units, including GTK Mintec Pilot Plant and Laboratories. 

Profile image for Henrik Schiellerup

Henrik Schiellerup Speaker

Geological Survey of Norway, NGU
Department Director

Henrik Schiellerup is Director for Resources and Environment at the Geological Survey of Norway. He has a PhD in geology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and an MSc from the University of Aarhus in Denmark. Since 2001 he has been working at the Geological Survey of Norway, both as a researcher and as part the survey management. Current focus is on generating more geological data and better knowledge on the Norwegian resource potential to support exploration and future mineral production in Norway

Profile image for Mikael Pedersen

Mikael Pedersen Speaker

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, GEUS
Head of Mapping and Mineral Resources Department