Header image for Nordic Forum on Raw Materials

About us

The Nordic Forum on Raw Materials is a network to strengthen cooperation across the mining and minerals sector in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark and the autonomous regions. The Nordic Forum on Raw Materials brings together professionals in the mining and minerals sector, in business, academia, politics, finance, and from relevant authorities. The network is a digital platform where members can connect, stay up to date with Nordic news, and share information.

Funded by Nordic Innovation, an organization within the The Nordic Council of Ministers, the network sets out to consolidate the Nordics as frontrunners within global sustainable mineral production.

The Nordic Forum on Raw Materials is led by Svemin - the Swedish Association of Mines, Mineral and Metal Producers in collaboration with Norwegian Mineral Industry and Finnish Mining Association.

Management team

Maria Sunér, CEO Svemin, Swedish Association of Mines, Mineral and Metal Producers.

Anita Helene Hall, CEO Norwegian Mineral Industry

Pekka Suomela, CEO FinnMin, Finnish Mining Association

For more information, please contact project manager Thomas Jurander. info@nordicforumonrawmaterials.com