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Upcoming Events

In the name of Nordic Forum on Raw Materials, a series of interactive event will take place. Some of them accessible to all, others require application or personal invitation. 

Please login HERE for more information 

Nordic Forum on Raw Materials – The Stockholm summit. 
An annual high-level conference will consist of sessions and an exhibition area. Interactive, round table, discussions. 3-4 October, 2024. 
Register here!

Nordic Forum on Raw Materials – The Luleå seminar. 
The Luleå Technical University. Open to all but priority is given to students. Winter 2024/2025.

Nordic Forum on Raw Materials – The Oslo summit: 
An annual high-level conference will consist of sessions and an exhibition area. Interactive, round table, discussions. March 2025. Application opens November 2024

Nordic Forum on Raw Materials – The Trondheim seminar. 
Open to all but priority is given to students. NTNU. Spring 2025.

Nordic Forum on Raw Materials – The Helsinki summit. 
An annual high-level conference will consist of sessions and an exhibition area. Interactive, round table, discussions. Autumn 2025/ Spring 2026. Application opens six months prior to summit.

Nordic Forum on Raw Materials – The Oulu seminar. 
The University of Oulu. Open to all but priority is given to students. Autumn 2025/ Spring 2026.