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Panel discussion: The Nordic Role in the Age of Rare Metals – Potential and Self-Sufficiency

In Brussels, the EU's new Critical Raw Materials Act was negotiated at record speed in 2023 to secure the supply of metals and minerals for key sectors, including climate and energy, defense, and space industries. How do these sectors view the geopolitical situation and supply security? What challenges do they face? And what is the political perspective?

In spring 2024, the Critical Raw Materials Act will take effect across all EU member states. The Nordics, especially Sweden, are major mining regions in Europe with the potential to extract over half of the raw materials on the EU's critical list. This gives the Nordics a special responsibility in a geopolitically turbulent time. The region conducts some of the world's most sustainable mining operations, laying the foundation for green value chains that begin in the Nordic bedrock.

Wednesday 26 June 
11:30 - 12:15
Hamngatan 3, Visby


Sara Modig, State Secretary to the Minister of Energy and Enterprise, Ebba Busch

Jan Moström, CEO, LKAB

Andreas Regnell, Head of Strategic Development, Vattenfall

Karin Comstedt Webb, Sustainability Manager and Deputy CEO, Heidelberg Materials

Karin Holmqvist, Head of Strategy and Sustainable Business, Swedish Space Corporation (SSC)