RAW - Nordic forum
The new network to strengthen the Nordic minerals sector!
Raw material supply is of great strategic and geopolitical importance as metals and minerals are essential for the twin transition. The Nordic countries and the autonomous regions have great potential for many of the raw materials EU identifies as critical. This gives the Nordic countries and the autonomous regions a special role - and responsibility. Join us for increased Nordic cooperation.
The Nordic Forum on Raw Materials is a network to strengthen cooperation across the mining and minerals sector in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark and the autonomous regions. The Nordic Forum on Raw Materials brings together professionals in the mining and minerals sector, in business, academia, politics, finance, and from relevant authorities.
Funded by Nordic Innovation, an organization within the The Nordic Council of Ministers, the network sets out to consolidate the Nordics as frontrunner within global sustainable mineral production.
The network is a digital platform where members can connect, stay up to date with Nordic news, and share information.
Members of the network are welcome to join Nordic Forum on Raw Matrerials - the seminars. Members of the network will also get the opportunity to apply to attend Nordic Forum on Raw Materials - the summits.
Who can join?
Professionals in the raw materials sector in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark and the autonomous regions. People working in business, academia, government, politics and finance. We address those who work with issues related to technology and innovation, security and preparedness, sustainability and recycling, energy and climate. And to those who share our values that a strong mining and minerals industry contributes to increased value creation in the Nordic region.
Why join?
The network is an easy and convenient way to find new contacts for knowledge exchange. We will share industry news but not overwhelm you with unnecessary information. Think of it as an advanced LinkedIn group. We are on LinkedIn but we have gathered the information on this website.
Joining the network is free of charge. For some of the events we charge a participation fee.
Nordic Innovation, in cooperation with Svemin, Norwegian Mining Industry/Norsk Bergindustri and FinnMin
For more information, please contact